
How to Encourage Online Business Reviews in 2020?

I have sensitive skin and it goes haywire if I apply something it doesn’t approve of. In the endeavor of keeping healthy skin in this dry winter, I recently purchased a moisturizing cream that was referred to me by a friend of a friend. The cream is excellent, and I am happy with it. I purchased it because I trust my friend and his friend had given a positive review of the product. Do you know that 92% of the online consumers read online reviews  before buying a product from a brand? If you have a new eCommerce store, a few positive reviews can impact the buying decision of the customers.  To boost your sales, you must focus on gaining the trust of the customers. There are a ton of ways in which you can encourage the customer to leave a positive review. But if you are planning to grow your business fast, it is better that you create such a fantastic experience that customers rush back to your website to leave a positive review. Here are five ideas that will help your brand to